OK, OK, OK...I'm so sorry I haven't posted in quite a while, but we were busy. Daven and I spent the last week in Lake Powell with his cousins. It was AMAZING!! Daven's cousins, Dave and Jeremy, both have a share of a house boat and they were kind enough to invite us to spend a week with them. We had an extra day before we met them so we went to Arches National Park. What a breathtaking experience. God's hand is so magestic, powerful yet delicate. Just looking at the land and the formations, you can tell the creation was done with so much love and care; with a touch only possible from the hand of an all-knowing artist.
We went from the fragile intricacies of the Arches to the commanding water-lined canyons of Lake Powell. America the Beautiful. What more can I say?
At Powell we spent most of our time on the house boat and being pulled, in one way or another, from behind Dave's Mastercraft. Most of you know I have never really been around boats at all, as a result, I have never learned the art of water sports. Well, not so anymore. I can now add skiing, wakeboarding, wakesurfing and boating to my list of hobbies. I love it. Last year I learned how to wakeboard and wakesurf. This year I somewhat-- but not really-- perfected those skills and I even learned how to ski. Sadly I pale in comparison to Daven. He is a monster when it comes to the lake. He makes it look so easy.
I was super grateful to learn all those skills and I have to tell Dave and Drey thank you for having the patience to teach me how to do everything. They had four kids of their own plus about seven other people wanting to ski, so it was nice they took the time.
Well, I have to unpack our camera, so I don't have any pictures available as of yet. That will for sure be my next post--promise!
July 4, 2024
8 months ago
Happy Birthday! I'll call you after FHE tonight. What are you, like, 10?
Happy Birthday Savanna Bannana!!!!!
Promises, promises, I'll belive the pics when I see 'em
Oh yeah, Happy Birthday! We had a great time with you both and are grateful in return for all your help with our kids and the boat! And I was impressed with all the water tricks you learned! After a very long day we got home last night - we had 2 tire blowouts on the trailer and Dave got a leg injury changing the second tire. So we didn't pull into Salt Lake until 10:00 p.m. and then had a fun trip to the E.R until 2:00 a.m. Thank goodness that was all at the end of the trip, not the beginning or during! Thanks again for joining us. I'll get you pictures asap.
Hey - Josh and Ash had a blast with you two (though I can't imagine how if Daven was there...:)
Thanks for taking good care of them - it's great that they got to know you guys like I do (at least Daven.)
Now you know my kids a little too - don't they just totally rock!!??
So glad you had fun. And now you have some more "skills." I am not skilled in watersports either. Probably for the same reasons- I never did them!
Daven and Savanna--We loved, loved, loved doing Lake Powell with you guys and you are so awesome, always helping and smiling and looking cute! What would we have done without you.... We are so glad to know you better and why we love you so much. Now you need to send me your email address, new address, etc. Did you hear about our adventure on the way home after we left you? We had two boat trailer blowouts (no spare the second time) and Dave hurt himself and had to go to the ER--just when we thought we made it without incident. Ug!
It was a lonnnng day. Send me email and I will tell you more. Vicki
So good to talk to you the other day! I hope your birthday was the greatest!
can you send me your email... so I can email you way too many cute pictures??? Thanks - dreyscott@hotmail.com
Sounds like fun!! Wish we could have been there with you!! Maybe another time! I hope you guys are loving Colorado!
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